Monday, November 24, 2008

4 of 7

Not much to update about really. I am still working albeit very slowly on the 4th panel out of 7. Been very busy around the house with projects for winter etc. Installing a dishwasher where there was none before turned out okay my 3rd attempt at plumbing that finally went right.
Gassho Dirk


Dosho said...

Hey Dirk!

Glad to hear you are progressing on your kesa, although if you ever have a hankering for more plumbing work we could use a dishwasher installation at my house. Probably good if I got a new one first...the one that's there is nearly as old as I am! ;)

I just got all my pieces cut the other night and will be starting on the first panel this week I hope. The Katagiri book is very interesting, especially the diagrams including one for a 25 panel kesa! Now THAT'S a project!

So, keep us updated although I know it's hard...I can't remember the last time I updated my own blog. Take care!

-Scott (from Treeleaf)

Dirk said...

Hi Scott!
You've got it next time im in your neighborhood I'll lend a hand with a the dishwasher install ;D

A big helpful tip - which you probably already know and have done...but just in case - mark all your pieces out so when you got to make any of the 7 sets or panels, they match correctly. like [A1,B1.C1][D1,E1,F1] and so on.

I started out that way but I used a wax based pencil and with ironing I lost it all!

Now I Must/Just measure it all twice before stitching it together :B

Much slower process :D

Ive never seen a 25 panel kesa, now that would be quite an imense project indeed!! Perhaps best suited to a zen quilting bee? :)

Gassho, Dirk

Dosho said...

That has actually turned out to be a great tip as I realized how it was good to keep each set cut exactly the same for each stripe. When I made the rakusu I ended up with a lot of uneven stripes, so many thanks on that one!

As for my progress, I have the A & B patches stitched together for my first 3 stripes with the Cs going on next. It really does feel like I'm making a rakusu for a giant! ;)