Wednesday, October 29, 2008

sew slow!

Tonight I'm finishing up my second set leaving 5 more to get together. That is a lot just to get ready to sew those sets together, which even more stitching!

Ive noticed the way im stitching isnt as efficent as it could be. I rewatched some of the wonderful videos Rev. Taigu had done for Treeleafs' Jukai ceremony and realised I had been doing things differently... and more awkwardly. Another lesson learned ;)

I'm keeping my attention on the tasks at hand rather then running ahead while working. Been sewing a bit less frequently lately as family stuffs come first, well family and work around the house which is a very good teacher of impermanence in all scales :)

As for family I am very pleased to share with whom ever reads this.. lol *Cricket* that we (my wife, daughter and I) are expecting to add bouncing baby boy to our family this March which is roaring towards us :) Because of this I do expect to pickup the pace in order to have hands free the coming months. Not rushing just being a bit more diciplined.


Moder-dye said...

Congratulations on the baby due :o)

If you don't finish the full kesa may be it could be a baby kesa for him!

_/\_ Kev

Dirk said...

Thanks Kev!
I guess it could be :D

My plan was to finish the kesa with a lining and give it to my wife, that way she, my daughter and the newest edition could all share it when rocking to sleep or burping or the like. I may borrow it from them from time to time.
